William BeauregardShare
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation-induced consciousness (CPRIC) is a rare phenomenon that occurs when a patient shows signs of consciousness during CPR for cardiac arrest. These signs can include:
- Eye opening Arm, leg, or trunk movements
- Speaking
- Following orders
- Pain perception
- Increased jaw tone and resistance to CPR
CPRIC can be distressing for care providers, but it's associated with positive patient outcomes, such as improved survival and excellent CPR quality. However, some level of awareness during CPR can cause hesitation, which may affect the decision to continue the procedure. Performing CPR on a combative patient can also create confusion and reluctance for everyone involved. To minimize interruptions to CPR in patients with CPRIC, you can try:
- Using physical restraints
- Reassuring the patient
- Administering medications for sedation, but avoiding those that can induce hypotension
- Using sedative and analgesic drugs such as ketamine as an alternative to physical restraint